Thursday, August 12, 2010

Good thoughts please???

Yesterday I sent out an email to a group of friends with who I'm always invited to go to dinner once a month, we all have my "issue". I've been probably twice I think, but have become friends with several of them just through email.

Amy was my first contact with the HIV world when I was newly diagnosed. I can remember sitting in her car at Sylvan Beach thinking my world was coming to an end. We lost touch but got back into touch with her when I took Dawson to his first check up and she came walking through the door to see me, she was working at TXCH then. It was so exciting to see her!!

After I sent my email out yesterday she emailed me back and asked for my resume. I sent it to her immediately and this morning I got a call for an interview for Tuesday. This would be at Legacy Community Health Services in their HR department as an assistant. This would literally be a dream come true because it would get my foot in the door in the Houston HIV workforce!! I've wanted this for YEARS now!!

Today she emailed me and told me that another friend of our's works at AIDS Foundation Houston and her co-workers last day was today.The position hadn't even been listed yet and to email Desiree (another old friend that I've gotten in touch with), in intend to call Desiree tomorrow morning. AIDS foundation Houston is THE place I've always wanted to work if I couldn't work at HACS (Still trying to get an interview there) or with Dr Hammill (still working on him too lol;....)

THEN today Kim emailed me and told me to email my resume to her boss at her company because they were hiring clerical help. I'd PREFER to work either in the HIV field or in leasing but right now anything would be great! :-)

Positive thoughts for Tuesday to go well would be MUCH appreciated!

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