Thursday, June 17, 2010

impromtu interview today

This morning I was having major medicine issues, I can't seem to get it right for some reason. The night time I wake up feeling like I'm pregnant every morning which is only okay if you ARE ACTUALLY pregnant, any other time it totally sucks. lol.... When I switch it to the morning often times I totally miss it because I don't always eat breakfast when I have somewhere to be, the fact that one has to be refrigerated doesn't make it a whole lot easier for taking it durign the daytime BUT I think I'm going to try it for lunchtime and see how that goes.

Anyways, I felt like death had warmed over this morning whe wouldn't you know it I get a call from one of the places I emailed my resume to last night. She asks if I could come in today and what time could I be there. Tiffany and James say yes they'll watch Dawson so I hit it in to high gear to get ready. I'm ready to leave in less than 30 minutes and out the door.

I still felt pretty crummy and actually on the way there I almost called to cancel because I remembered that the ad said weekends but then decided to go and check it out, never know.

I LOVE THIS PLACE!!! Again it's another high end apartment complex but this one is better because of the location. I really really really loved living in Humble and I LOVED Brendan's old school. This complex is at the entrance of the subdivision that his school is in, he'd get to go back to Fall Creek!!!

The part where I read weekends was right but it's not EVERY weekend, it's one or two a month depending how the other girl and I work the schedule. They offer the same employee discount of 20% off the apartment and the pay is the same as the other one.

The manager and I really hit it off and I really think it went well, she said she had another couple of interviews to do but she really thinks we'd be a great fit. I hope she wasn't just saying that.... I also liked the fact that she is a single mom so she'd understand some of the issues us single moms deal with.

She said she would be making a decision tomorrow or Monday at the very latest. If I get the job I could be starting as early as next Wednesday or Thursday!!

Fingers crossed, I'd REALLY like this one to work out.... ps... another complex I'd get to drive the golf cart! lol...

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