Thursday, June 10, 2010

more doctor appointments

 This morning Cayden had his follow up at TXCH for his TB test and to discuss the results of his EEG. Dawson and I ended up going with Tiffany while James drove around with Colton. Mom has a stomach bug and pretty much stayed in bed all day feeling REALLY bad. TB test came back negative like we knew it would and the EEG showed "no seizure activity" which was great. The doctor looked him over and he has the same thing in his mouth that Tiffany has and he has the ulcers/blisters, no wonder he's been even more cranky!! The doctor also talked to us about doing some bloodwork to look at his chromosomal makeup to see if maybe there is a slight change there and that is what is causing the developmental delay. Tiffany and I talked it over and said yes it would be a good thing and so he had that done as well, the results can take up to 2 months to come back because they are sent out to Baylor for review.

This afternoon Ms. Sylvana came for Cayden's therapy and she brought the "behavior counselor" with her. She got to witness first hand one of his "fits". She gave us several ideas of things to try but I don't have all that high of hopes that they'll be carried through with. Just the way things go when it comes to that.

Aunt Becky also came and got Katie while they were here, mom is sick and we think a bug is going through our house.

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