Sunday, June 6, 2010

bye bye Brendan

This evening Chuck picked Brendan up to go to his house, we are flipping for the summer and tomorrow Brendan will start going to his new daycare "camp" place and will only spend weekends with me.  They have all kinds of fun things planned for the summer and I know he's going to have so much fun but it's going to be very hard for both of us to be away from each other.  He is 9 years old and in that 9 years the longest he's ever been away from me is the amount of time he spends with his dad on the weekends.  It does make it easier because Brendan is sooooo very excited about the more time with his dad and all the fun activities that they have planned.

I actually did pretty well until it was time for bed and I didn't have him here to tuck in, then I had myself a good cry. We'll be okay and he's going to have the best summer!

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