Thursday, June 3, 2010

Okay, second half trying this again....

Well I've failed at my attempt to blog. Lol... I really really want to do this so I've deleted the few blogs I actually did and I'm starting over fresh with the second half of the year. June 1st marks the second six months of a year so I'm starting a few days late, but late is better than never right??

Big things happening for me in the next day or so... Tomorrow is my mammogram, I have to be at The Rose at 9:30 in the morning, Colton is spending the day at daycare and Tiffany is staying home with Cayden and Dawson because I can't take him with me. I'm extremely nervous about this appointment because I KNOW something is there, it's just a matter of what?!?! Last time when I went through this I had the mammogram and the ultrasound on the same day and went back another day for the biopsy. I will be really surprised if I leave tomorrow without an ultrasound. I really hope I'll do but I'm already preparing myself for it because I'm pretty sure that's going to be the outcome.

Brendan leaves tomorrow for his dad's house, a normal weekend doesn't bring on the anxiety that I'm having but this week is different. School is out and he's spending the summer with his dad. He's going to be going to a summer daycare/daycamp place during the day and then he'll be there for the evenings. I will have him every other weekend, we're basically switching spots for the summer. I know he's going to have alot of fun but it's still really really really really hard to know that at times it'll be 2 weeks before I see him.

Dawson and Cayden are now BOTH doing the sign for "all done" it's funny how Dawson can talk but as we're teaching Cayden the signs he's picking them up too. My boy is smart!

Time to head to bed, more tomorrow... hopefully!

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