Friday, June 11, 2010

GREAT day!

 Taken from post to

Finally a positive post! lol.... Today has been such an amazingly awesome day!

First thing this morning I got up and went down to the social services department to apply for some help. I've been trying to avoid this but it's come to the point where I have to in order for us to get by. I applied for food stamps and was told that they would put my application in for emergency food stamps and I would get a call either today, tomorrow, or Monday.

When I got home I was laying down with Dawson and the phone rang, the machine got it but something made me decide to check the messages right away. Turns out it was an apartment complex that I sent my resume into last night late wanting me to come in for an interview!!! My interview is Tuesday at 1:30, it's for a BEAUTIFUL apartment complex not far from here and less than 10 minutes from Brendan's dad's house!!! He said he's only interviewing 5 people and I'm one of them and he was definatley interested in talking to me since I have 5 years experience in leasing. I would finish out my lease here (December) and if I'm ready I could move on property!!! I want this job, I need this job!

As I was hanging up with the apartment complex the social services lady calls and takes my information and tells me to come down and that I qualified for the emergency foodstamp card. Mom and I went down there and waited FOREVER (like 3 hours) but I got it and got $245. This is going to help SO VERY MUCH and it's just going to be temporary until I can get on my feet again. We literally were out of everything so tomorrow I can go buy some groceries and really relieve some of the stress around here.

and then to end the day... Brendan missed me, he was supposed to go to a lockin but when I called him to tell him to have fun he said he REALLY just wanted to see me. I talked to his dad and we agreed that he's had enough changes this week and if he wanted to come be with me this weekend then he could. I was out the door to get him like 5 minutes! lol...

SO life really took a turn today (I hope) I got some help that although I hated to have to do it it will really help and will be temporary, I have a job interview on Tuesday for what could be the PERFECT job for me, AND I have BOTH my boys under my roof tonight.

I seriously think the only thing that could make the day be better is for Ed McMahon to walk to my door saying I won the publishers clearinghouse. LMBO!! (although am I remembering right and didn't he die??)

I just had to share with you ladies, my posts lately have all been really negative and thank you for listening. I REALLY hope this is the beginning of good things to come


  1. I'm so glad you had a good day Christy! I know how those days can be few and far between. Just remember to focus on the positive as much as possible and know that God is with you always. Best of luck on your interview tomorrow!

  2. Thank you so very much Nickie! I'm so glad that we are friends!
