Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Interview in Cleveland

Monday evening I went on Craigslist in the Real Estate section like I always do for jobs to apply for, it's amazing how much Craigslist has helped in this job search! I found an advertisement that listed a job in Cleveland, Texas for a property manager. I almost didn't reply to it because I really don't have the title experience of "manager" but decided to go for it since I pretty much know everything there was to know to be one. It also said it was only 72 units so I was VERY interested. I also wasn't sure about it being in Cleveland but thought "what the heck" and went for it.

I sent my resume about 10:00 on Monday night and Nik called me at 9:00 Tuesday morning wanting to intervew on Wednesday. I called my mom and couldn't on Wednesday because it was the first day of close for her and I'd have nobody to watch Dawson but said I could meet with him that day. He said sure and we arranged to meet at noon at McDonald's. The reason we had to meet at McDonald's is because he's replacing his current manager because she isn't working out.

Our interview went awesome, we talked for about an hour and things really couldn't have went better. He said that he had to run some things by his dad (his partner) but he was pretty confident that we'd be working together soon. The pay is what I was wanting AND I'd get an apartment if I chose to live on site, which of course I would. They even have 3 bedrooms so Dawson and Brendan could even have their own bedrooms!! They have washer and dryer connections so no laundry room and it's basically perfect for us!

I asked him if it would be okay for me to at least drive by the complex so I could see it and see where it's located. He said sure and gave us directions. Mom and I drove by there but the current manager was at lunch and said she'd be back at 1:00, 1:15 she still wasn't back so we decided to go eat lunch. We went and ate at a mexican food place and went back and I asked mom to go in to get a floorplan and check the inside out of the office. He was there! lol... She went in got floorplans and we left.

Once I got home I decided to fess up to him that I sent my mom into the office in case he recognized the van and didn't want him to think I was trying to be sneaky so I sent him a nice email thanking him for his time, that I went by and my mom went in for a floorplan and saw him, and that I really hoped that we'd be working together soon. This morning I got a return email saying that he bet my mom "Had wet feet" because it was pouring and the parking lot had standing water in it and that I'd be hearing from him soon as he was on the road today. So at least he wasn't upset that I had her go in and check it out and has a sense of humor. Now I wait...

Fingers crossed, prayers, whatever it is you do! lol... This could mean my boys and I could get out on our own and I would basically have a job that I've wanted for a LONG LONG time!

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