Tuesday, September 7, 2010

BIG changes around here!

As most of you've seen from my facebook page, I got the job in Cleveland! I'm so excited, I'll be making a decent salary AND get a 2 bedroom apartment. I'm going to wait to get settled financially before moving to a 3 bedroom because I will have to pay the difference between the 2 and 3 bedroom prices. There also aren't any available right now. I start next Monday the 13th and we're doing a one month trial probabtionary time to make sure I like it and he likes me.

Sunday mom, Dawson, Brendan and I drove up there to look around some more and to show Brendan the apartments and to find his school. The school is much older and smaller than he is used to BUT it's only the 4 and 5th grades so I think it will be nice. He will ride a bus to and from school and I'm going to let him stay by himself after school since I'll be there on property. He's excited because I'm getting him a cell phone since I'm not going to have a home phone and I want him to have a phone while he's there at the house by himself. The complex is so small that I literally can be there within 3 minutes no matter where I'm at on it. If I have to run off the property while he's home by himself I'll just take him with me.

Because I'm just now getting on my feet Dawson qualifies for the Head Start program, they actually don't start until 3 for the normal head start but they have another daycare called "Early Head Start" and it's for kids ages 6 weeks - 3 years old. The best part is it's directly in front of our apartments, I'll literally be able to look out my window and see the daycare and probably most days we'll walk to pick Dawson up. I went today and picked up the paper I needed from the WorkForce Solutions today and tomorrow morning I'll be going to sign him up!

Last night neither mom nor I slept a bit worrying over how she was going to make the bills here. We both KNEW that without my help here she couldn't make it on her own (nor does she need to because she doesn't need a 5 bedroom house). I was up at 4:00 this morning for the day because of worrying about it. This morning first thing I told her how I felt and she said she'd been up all night with that worry too. So today she took half day off and we went to LaPorte and we found Tiffany, James, and the boys a 2 bedroom trailer in the same park as Tiffany's close friends. The price is right, it's really cute, and will be great for them. My dad is going to get the lease in his name and pay the rent for up to a year on it and then they have to be able to do it on their own. James HAS to get a job and Tiffany has to continue to go to school. Dad is going to pay the rent and mom is going to help with some of the utilities.

Mom and David are going to decide what she's going to do. At this point she is either getting a 1 bedroom apartment in Cleveland in my apartments OR they are going to get a rent house in Deer Park. They will be deciding for sure by the end of this month.

So here we are moving AGAIN, but this is going to be my last move for a long while! Oh and we have to all be to our respective places by the end of November. Let the fun begin!

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