Thursday, June 17, 2010

impromtu interview today

This morning I was having major medicine issues, I can't seem to get it right for some reason. The night time I wake up feeling like I'm pregnant every morning which is only okay if you ARE ACTUALLY pregnant, any other time it totally sucks. lol.... When I switch it to the morning often times I totally miss it because I don't always eat breakfast when I have somewhere to be, the fact that one has to be refrigerated doesn't make it a whole lot easier for taking it durign the daytime BUT I think I'm going to try it for lunchtime and see how that goes.

Anyways, I felt like death had warmed over this morning whe wouldn't you know it I get a call from one of the places I emailed my resume to last night. She asks if I could come in today and what time could I be there. Tiffany and James say yes they'll watch Dawson so I hit it in to high gear to get ready. I'm ready to leave in less than 30 minutes and out the door.

I still felt pretty crummy and actually on the way there I almost called to cancel because I remembered that the ad said weekends but then decided to go and check it out, never know.

I LOVE THIS PLACE!!! Again it's another high end apartment complex but this one is better because of the location. I really really really loved living in Humble and I LOVED Brendan's old school. This complex is at the entrance of the subdivision that his school is in, he'd get to go back to Fall Creek!!!

The part where I read weekends was right but it's not EVERY weekend, it's one or two a month depending how the other girl and I work the schedule. They offer the same employee discount of 20% off the apartment and the pay is the same as the other one.

The manager and I really hit it off and I really think it went well, she said she had another couple of interviews to do but she really thinks we'd be a great fit. I hope she wasn't just saying that.... I also liked the fact that she is a single mom so she'd understand some of the issues us single moms deal with.

She said she would be making a decision tomorrow or Monday at the very latest. If I get the job I could be starting as early as next Wednesday or Thursday!!

Fingers crossed, I'd REALLY like this one to work out.... ps... another complex I'd get to drive the golf cart! lol...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Interview today

Today was my interview...

I found it pretty easily, it literally is right around the corner from Chuck's house. I'm talking like less than 6 minutes and we'd shop at the same Kroger, Walmart, gas stations, etc... That might be kinda odd but it also could come in handy too so we'll see what happens there.

The apartment complex is GORGEOUS, they are really well kept grounds, and they have a business center, fitness center, wifi at the pools, etc etc.. Very competive with the high end apartments around here. Oh and you get to drive a golf cart to show apartments! lol... There are 390 apartments compared to the 106 I'm used to but the amount really doesn't make that much of a difference I would think.

I was a little early so I took a look at the brochure with floorplans on it while I waited for him to be ready for me. They have FIFTEEN different floor plans! goodness gracious!!!

Finally I met with Johnny the manager of the complex. He was ..hmmmm, how to put this??? He was a little "odd" I guess is a way of putting it. He kind of contradicted himself several times but said himself that he did NOT interview well (no joke, he totally sucked at it.. lol....) After I met with him I met the assistant manager who I really clicked with and she was really nice and helpful.

I went and saw a model apartment and they are really nice both inside and out. Most of the apartments have a garage and you can pay an extra $20 a month for a full size washer and dryer. NICE....

The thing that was really confusing is that the listing for the job was really specific on job duties, when they were listed out they were the duties of an asst manager or event cooridinator or something like that. Here is the link to the listing Well the position is really for a leasing consultant. I would work Tuesday - Saturday 9-6

Childcare is REALLY going to be an issue on Saturdays so I don't know what's going to end up happening if I do get called back for a second interview. Mom plans on moving back to Deer Park with David when we all split houses up, so I'm not sure what will happen.

All in all it will be an awesome opportunity, I'd be able to get a 3 bedroom apartment for $750 which is an AWESOME rate and the hourly rate isn't bad either. Plus I would get commision off the leases I make.

The way I'm looking at it right now is I'm going to see if I get called back for the second interview and will then go from there.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

my poor boy

Well the weekends is over, Brendan's here another night because he was outside swimming and he threw up a couple of times. He'd been complaining that his stomach hurt but I honestly thought he was just a little nervous about heading back to his dad's house.  Turns out I was wrong and my boy is SICK SICK SICK. I don't think he's ever been this sick, he's liteally been sitting on the toliet with diarahea while throwing up into a trashcan. :-(    He woke up a little while ago saying that he felt better but then 10 minutes later was throwing up again. My poor boy.

I'm heading to bed because looks like I could be in for a long night, let's hope that Dawson doesn't get it. I felt crummy this morning but not nearly as bad as Brendan. my poor boy.

I miss my friends

It's been bothering me for awhile now that I've decided to write about it and see if it makes me feel better.

 I once had a group of friends who I knew just about everything going on in their lives and they knew everything about mine. This was a group of friends that we had shared births of our children, the loss of parents, the loss of homes, the loss of jobs, the celebrations of new careers, the thrill of victory over the simplest things that would only seem big to us, and  the thousands of pictures through the years. We'd shared laughs and we'd shared tears.  Now my friendship with these that used to be my closest of friends is what can be shared pretty much in a 140 character status box on Facebook.

I lost these friendships because of poor decisions going on in my life at the time. I don't regret that time of my life because had I not gone through it I wouldn't have my sweet Dawson but I do regret the angry words that were said and the friendships that were shattered, some beyond repair. Some of these friendships remained but still on a different level, others picked up but then dropped off to be picked up later on. 2 I lost completely and it seems that I've lost those forever.  BUT the bulk of these friendships have resurfaced over the past 6-8 months and while I'm so incredibly happy to have these women back a part of my life it still really reminds of me of what I lost when I lost them.

Today I found out that someone who used to be one of my closest friends is expecting her 4th baby... I found out through a facebook status, which reminds me once again of all that I lost. Before I would have either talked to her on the phone about it or at the very least gotten an email and not heard about it along with the rest of her "friends" on Facebook.  I didn't even know she was trying to have another baby... This makes me sad. 

I know that our friendships will never be EXACTLY the same and in alot of ways that's good because I was to dependent on some of them. You need real life face to face interaction with friends and shouldn't rely on computers or telephones for friendships but I really miss the days of looking forward to checking my emails to see what was going on in their lives. I Miss having something exciting happen to me and being able to share it with those who KNEW me, knew what it took to get me to that point, and were geniually happy for me. I miss being able to show support and love for my friends, knowing they had my back and I had theirs.

I guess what it comes down to is "I miss my friends".

Friday, June 11, 2010

GREAT day!

 Taken from post to

Finally a positive post! lol.... Today has been such an amazingly awesome day!

First thing this morning I got up and went down to the social services department to apply for some help. I've been trying to avoid this but it's come to the point where I have to in order for us to get by. I applied for food stamps and was told that they would put my application in for emergency food stamps and I would get a call either today, tomorrow, or Monday.

When I got home I was laying down with Dawson and the phone rang, the machine got it but something made me decide to check the messages right away. Turns out it was an apartment complex that I sent my resume into last night late wanting me to come in for an interview!!! My interview is Tuesday at 1:30, it's for a BEAUTIFUL apartment complex not far from here and less than 10 minutes from Brendan's dad's house!!! He said he's only interviewing 5 people and I'm one of them and he was definatley interested in talking to me since I have 5 years experience in leasing. I would finish out my lease here (December) and if I'm ready I could move on property!!! I want this job, I need this job!

As I was hanging up with the apartment complex the social services lady calls and takes my information and tells me to come down and that I qualified for the emergency foodstamp card. Mom and I went down there and waited FOREVER (like 3 hours) but I got it and got $245. This is going to help SO VERY MUCH and it's just going to be temporary until I can get on my feet again. We literally were out of everything so tomorrow I can go buy some groceries and really relieve some of the stress around here.

and then to end the day... Brendan missed me, he was supposed to go to a lockin but when I called him to tell him to have fun he said he REALLY just wanted to see me. I talked to his dad and we agreed that he's had enough changes this week and if he wanted to come be with me this weekend then he could. I was out the door to get him like 5 minutes! lol...

SO life really took a turn today (I hope) I got some help that although I hated to have to do it it will really help and will be temporary, I have a job interview on Tuesday for what could be the PERFECT job for me, AND I have BOTH my boys under my roof tonight.

I seriously think the only thing that could make the day be better is for Ed McMahon to walk to my door saying I won the publishers clearinghouse. LMBO!! (although am I remembering right and didn't he die??)

I just had to share with you ladies, my posts lately have all been really negative and thank you for listening. I REALLY hope this is the beginning of good things to come

Thursday, June 10, 2010

more doctor appointments

 This morning Cayden had his follow up at TXCH for his TB test and to discuss the results of his EEG. Dawson and I ended up going with Tiffany while James drove around with Colton. Mom has a stomach bug and pretty much stayed in bed all day feeling REALLY bad. TB test came back negative like we knew it would and the EEG showed "no seizure activity" which was great. The doctor looked him over and he has the same thing in his mouth that Tiffany has and he has the ulcers/blisters, no wonder he's been even more cranky!! The doctor also talked to us about doing some bloodwork to look at his chromosomal makeup to see if maybe there is a slight change there and that is what is causing the developmental delay. Tiffany and I talked it over and said yes it would be a good thing and so he had that done as well, the results can take up to 2 months to come back because they are sent out to Baylor for review.

This afternoon Ms. Sylvana came for Cayden's therapy and she brought the "behavior counselor" with her. She got to witness first hand one of his "fits". She gave us several ideas of things to try but I don't have all that high of hopes that they'll be carried through with. Just the way things go when it comes to that.

Aunt Becky also came and got Katie while they were here, mom is sick and we think a bug is going through our house.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Picture for Dad

.Today during the really bad rainstorm I went to Melanie's house to get Karlee and Keith Robert. Kim came over after work and we all went to Deerbrook Mall to get our pictures taken (just us sisters) for dad for Father's Day.  Of course when we get there and go to check in at The Picture People I realize that I'd forgotten the coupon that we were using for the free 8X10.    I had seen a tmobile kiosk when we were coming in so I went over that and asked if they had internet access and a printer. Luckily they did and they printed me a coupon off the Picture People website, they couldn't understand WHY PP couldn't do that for us lol...
Anyways the picture turned out pretty good if I do say so myself

Dad is going to LOVE it!!  To see more of the pictures that we took go to for more sister pictures and use the password "sisters"

Monday, June 7, 2010

EEG, SSI office, and paperwork

 Nothing all that eventful today, Cayden had his EEG at Texas Children's Hospital so Katie, Dawson, and I dropped Cayden, Mom, and Tiffany off at the hospital. While they were there I took Katie to the Social Security Office to see about getting her SSI set back up. To our surprise after waiting the first time they said that they could see her today as well. I really thought they'd just take information and set up an appointment. We actually waited another hour there and she got to see someone, now she waits. It can take up to 4 months they said, at least the process has been started. We also mailed off the paperwork for her for Medicaid and I applied for TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) and for the SNAP card which is like foodstamps

Sunday, June 6, 2010

bye bye Brendan

This evening Chuck picked Brendan up to go to his house, we are flipping for the summer and tomorrow Brendan will start going to his new daycare "camp" place and will only spend weekends with me.  They have all kinds of fun things planned for the summer and I know he's going to have so much fun but it's going to be very hard for both of us to be away from each other.  He is 9 years old and in that 9 years the longest he's ever been away from me is the amount of time he spends with his dad on the weekends.  It does make it easier because Brendan is sooooo very excited about the more time with his dad and all the fun activities that they have planned.

I actually did pretty well until it was time for bed and I didn't have him here to tuck in, then I had myself a good cry. We'll be okay and he's going to have the best summer!

Haircut for Brendan

This morning we got up and hit the road to get Brendan's haircut and pick up my medicine. The pharmacy that I get my medicine at is in Humble so I found a Supercuts to get his haircut over there. The lady that was cutting his hair asked me if I was going to get Dawson's haircut too, lol... I laughed and said yes he needed it but I just wasn't ready :-)I say this because while I'm pretty sure his curls are going to come back I'm not ready for him to loose them just yet in case they don't :-(

Looks pretty good if you ask me and he'll be nice and cool for the summer!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Dawson's visit to after hours clinic

Dawson ran fever most of the night, at one point I took it under his arm and it showed up 104 so this morning I decided to take him to the after hours clinic associated with his pediatrician's office. We get there and the waiting room is full, ugh.... I'd given him tylenol before we left but we were in the waiting room so long that his fever came back. I told the nurses and they took him back and checked his temp and gave him some more tylenol because it was 103.8. Finally we get back to the room and the doctor checks him out and he has yet ANOTHER sinus infection, this makes the third month in a row. I have to call our pediatrician and get a referral for an ENT now. :-( The doctor that did Brendan's tubes has cancer and is on hospice (he's such a wonderful man and it's so very sad) so I have to find another doctor to take him to.

He weighs 22 lbs

Friday, June 4, 2010


Today was my mammogram, I got there almost an hour early so I went ahead and signed in to see if maybe they could get me in early. They said no that it wouldn't happen but they ended up calling me back about 30 minutes before my scheduled appointment. Oh the fun of mammograms, you sit in this waiting room with this smock type top thingy on and try not to look anyone directly in the eyes because you're terrified that you are flashing them lol.. The good thing is that you're so focused on not flashing anyone that you forget to be nervous. :-)

So she calls me back and we talk about my lump, she sticks a sticker where it is at so that we make sure it shows up clear on the film. The actual procedure is really a breeze, I did learn to NOT go when you are about to start your period though OUCH talk about tender! lol... Next is my ultrasound, I HATE HATE HATE this part. ALot of it has to do with that I feel incredibly nausous whenever I lay flat on my back so I always have to deal with that, the other is that they push REALLY hard to see if they can see the full lump. My original lump was on my right side but when she was on my left doing the ultrasound I felt another one when she moved over a spot, she felt it too so she calld in the doctor. Doctor comes in a looks at my previous films and then does more ultrasound and decides that ALL my lumps are just the cystic kind and nothing to be concerned about, WHEW!!!

Turns out that I have very cysty breasts and I just need to learn where they are at and watch for any changes, I'm also on the yearly track now because of my family history of cancer.

So I'm done with that for another year! THANK GOODNESS!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Okay, second half trying this again....

Well I've failed at my attempt to blog. Lol... I really really want to do this so I've deleted the few blogs I actually did and I'm starting over fresh with the second half of the year. June 1st marks the second six months of a year so I'm starting a few days late, but late is better than never right??

Big things happening for me in the next day or so... Tomorrow is my mammogram, I have to be at The Rose at 9:30 in the morning, Colton is spending the day at daycare and Tiffany is staying home with Cayden and Dawson because I can't take him with me. I'm extremely nervous about this appointment because I KNOW something is there, it's just a matter of what?!?! Last time when I went through this I had the mammogram and the ultrasound on the same day and went back another day for the biopsy. I will be really surprised if I leave tomorrow without an ultrasound. I really hope I'll do but I'm already preparing myself for it because I'm pretty sure that's going to be the outcome.

Brendan leaves tomorrow for his dad's house, a normal weekend doesn't bring on the anxiety that I'm having but this week is different. School is out and he's spending the summer with his dad. He's going to be going to a summer daycare/daycamp place during the day and then he'll be there for the evenings. I will have him every other weekend, we're basically switching spots for the summer. I know he's going to have alot of fun but it's still really really really really hard to know that at times it'll be 2 weeks before I see him.

Dawson and Cayden are now BOTH doing the sign for "all done" it's funny how Dawson can talk but as we're teaching Cayden the signs he's picking them up too. My boy is smart!

Time to head to bed, more tomorrow... hopefully!